[Insight-users] Where is Minimal Path Extraction From FastMarching Speed Function

asamwm asamwm at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 21:21:39 EDT 2009

Hi Dan,
Your code looks great.
I have been trying hard to make it work but it
has not got to the finish line yet.

I am carving out small 3D regions for the speed
function (on the range of 30x40x30 pixels).

I map the speed pixels to a float range [0.0 - 1.0];
and can verify that the start and end points (1 end point for now)
are where they should be in the small image.

Then I pass this to the filter. I added a function to your code
to read the arrival function at the end :
after calling pathFilter->Update()
I do (InputImagePointer GetArrivalFunc(){return m_CurrentArrivalFunction;};
in itkSpeedFunctionToPathFilter.h

This reveals the following statistics for Arrival:
min=0; max=1.70141e+38, mean=4.26e+36 ...
I also read the arrival time at the endpoint: 1431.25
(reasonable, right?)

(Even when I use a fake end point that is very close
to the start point, the arrival value is 315.8...)

yet, the path is always empty!

I tried all 3 suggested optimizers, but the result is the same.

Can you suggest anything?
I am attaching my calling method in case you see anything obvious.

Thanks for your help.

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
//Warning about: identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the debug
information (MVC6.0 Debug)
#pragma warning( disable : 4786 )

// General includes
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

// ITK includes
#include "itkNumericTraits.h"
#include "itkImage.h"
#include "itkImageFileReader.h"
#include "itkImageFileWriter.h"
#include "itkPolyLineParametricPath.h"
#include "itkNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction.h"
#include "itkLinearInterpolateImageFunction.h"
#include "itkArrivalFunctionToPathFilter.h"
#include "itkSpeedFunctionToPathFilter.h"
#include "itkPathIterator.h"
#include "itkGradientDescentOptimizer.h"
#include "itkRegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer.h"
#include "itkIterateNeighborhoodOptimizer.h"
#include "itkStatisticsImageFilter.h"

#include "SpineRing.h"

PathType::Pointer SpCandidate::FMPath(SpeedImageType::Pointer speed,
PointType start, PointSetContainerType::Pointer endptscont)
    //typedef float    PixelType;//speed
    typedef    unsigned char OutputPixelType;
    //typedef itk::Image< PixelType, spr_SPIMGDIMENSION    >
    typedef    itk::Image<    OutputPixelType, spr_SPIMGDIMENSION    >
    //typedef itk::ImageFileReader<    ImageType >    ReaderType;
    typedef    itk::ImageFileWriter< OutputImageType >    WriterType;
    //typedef    itk::SpeedFunctionToPathFilter<    SpineImageType,
PathType > PathFilterType;
    typedef    itk::SpeedFunctionToPathFilter<    SpeedImageType,
PathType > PathFilterType;
    typedef    PathFilterType::CostFunctionType::CoordRepType
    typedef    itk::PathIterator< OutputImageType,    PathType >

    char* OutputFilename = "TestPath.tif";


    // Create interpolator
    typedef    itk::LinearInterpolateImageFunction<SpeedImageType,
    InterpolatorType::Pointer interp =    InterpolatorType::New();

    // Create cost function
    PathFilterType::CostFunctionType::Pointer cost    =
    cost->SetInterpolator( interp );

    // Create optimizer
    //typedef    itk::GradientDescentOptimizer OptimizerType;
    //OptimizerType::Pointer    optimizer =    OptimizerType::New();
    //optimizer->SetNumberOfIterations( 1000 );

    //typedef itk::RegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer OptimizerType;
    //OptimizerType::Pointer optimizer    = OptimizerType::New();
    //optimizer->SetNumberOfIterations(    1000 );
    //optimizer->SetMaximumStepLength( 0.5 );
    //optimizer->SetMinimumStepLength( 0.1 );
    //optimizer->SetRelaxationFactor( 0.5 );

    // Create IterateNeighborhoodOptimizer
     typedef itk::IterateNeighborhoodOptimizer OptimizerType;
     OptimizerType::Pointer optimizer = OptimizerType::New();
     optimizer->MinimizeOn( );
     optimizer->FullyConnectedOn( );
     OptimizerType::NeighborhoodSizeType nbrsize( 3 );
     //float StepLengthFactor = .2;
     for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
          nbrsize[i] = speed->GetSpacing()[i]; //* StepLengthFactor;
     optimizer->SetNeighborhoodSize( nbrsize );

    // Create path filter
    PathFilterType::Pointer pathFilter    = PathFilterType::New();
    pathFilter->SetInput( speed    );
    pathFilter->SetCostFunction( cost );
    pathFilter->SetOptimizer( optimizer    );
    pathFilter->SetTerminationValue( 2.0 );

    // Setup path points
    PathFilterType::PointType pstart, pend;
    pstart = start;

    // Add path    information
    PathFilterType::PathInfo info;
    info.SetStartPoint(    pstart );

    pathFilter->AddPathInfo( info );

    PointSetType::PointsContainerIterator    pciter = endptscont->Begin();
    PointType                                pt;
    while (pciter != endptscont->End())
        pt = pciter->Value();
        //for    (int j=0; j<spr_SPIMGDIMENSION;    j++)
    //    pend = pt;
        // just to test a very close end point!
        for (int ii=0; ii<3; ii++)

        info.SetEndPoint( pend );
        // Hussein  FIXME
        // for now
        // need to  examine endpt arrivals.. for all endpts. Choose best.

    // Compute the path
    pathFilter->Update(    );
    /////////////// DEBUG STUFF
    SpeedImageType::Pointer Arrival = pathFilter->GetArrivalFunc();
    typedef    itk::ImageFileWriter< SpeedImageType >    WriterType2;
    WriterType2::Pointer writer2    = WriterType2::New();
    writer2->SetFileName( "Arrival.vtk"    );
    writer2->SetInput( Arrival );
    typedef itk::StatisticsImageFilter<SpeedImageType>  StatisticsType;
    StatisticsType::Pointer statistics = StatisticsType::New();
    statistics->SetInput(Arrival );
    float imin = statistics->GetMinimum();
    float imax = statistics->GetMaximum();
    float imean = statistics->GetMean();
    float istd = statistics->GetSigma();

    std::cout << "Input Image Statistics: min:"<< imin << " max:" << imax <<
" mean:"<< imean << " std:" << istd << std::endl;
    SpeedImageType::IndexType arrIndex;
    for (int ii=0; ii<3; ii++)
        arrIndex[ii] = pend[ii];
    std::cout << "End Arrival Val=" << Arrival->GetPixel(arrIndex) <<
    //itk::ImageRegionIterator<SpeedImageType> arrit(Arrival,
    //SpeedPixelType spdpxl;
    //for ( arrit.GoToBegin(); !arrit.IsAtEnd(); ++arrit)
    //    std::cout << arrit.Get(); //spregion = (spregion-m)/(M-m);  %0 to
    /////////// END DEBUG STUFF
    // Allocate    output image
    OutputImageType::Pointer output = OutputImageType::New();
    output->SetRegions(    speed->GetLargestPossibleRegion() );
    output->SetSpacing(    speed->GetSpacing()    );
    output->SetOrigin( speed->GetOrigin() );
    output->Allocate( );
    output->FillBuffer(    itk::NumericTraits<OutputPixelType>::Zero );

    PathType::Pointer path;
    // Rasterize path
    for    (unsigned int i=0; i<pathFilter->GetNumberOfOutputs(); i++)
        // Get the path
        path    = pathFilter->GetOutput( i );

        // Check path is valid
        if ( path->GetVertexList()->Size() == 0    )
            std::cout << "WARNING: Path    " << (i+1) << "    contains no
points!" <<    std::endl;

        // Iterate path    and    convert    to image
        PathIteratorType it( output, path );
        for    (it.GoToBegin(); !it.IsAtEnd();    ++it)
            it.Set(    itk::NumericTraits<OutputPixelType>::max() );

    // Write output
    WriterType::Pointer writer    = WriterType::New();
    writer->SetFileName( OutputFilename    );
    writer->SetInput( output );

    return path;

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 3:57 AM, Dan Mueller <dan.muel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Hussein,
> > In the ArrivalFunctionToPathFilter  superclass, you had AddEndPoint,
> > but in SpeedFunctionToPathFilter, it is invalidated with a warning!
> > Why is that?
> > In the current implementation, I would have to rerun the wave as many
> > times as there are endpoints and choose the one with least geodesic
> > distance.
> > Or alternatively, set all those end points as way points and compare
> their
> > geodesics, pick the least, and use it for the path.
> Indeed, SpeedFunctionToPathFilter allows only a single end point. This
> is because the filter performs the path extraction in sections (eg.
> start point to way point 1, way point 1 to way point 2, way point 2 to
> end point). I guess it could be extended in the manner you describe,
> but to date has not been. Feel free to make this extension and submit
> it to the Insight Journal!
> If your path consists of multiple start points and multiple end points
> (ie. no way/intermediate points but multiple candidate start points),
> then you should instead use the ArrivalFunctionToPathFilter. This
> filter expects as input an arrival function, which you can compute
> yourself using FastMarchingImageFilter with all of the start points as
> trial points. Then simply add the end points via AddPathEndPoint(..)
> and the extracted path will select the closest start point.
> Cheers, Dan
> 2009/7/16 asamwm <asamwm at gmail.com>:
> > Hi Dan,
> > I am towards the end of connecting things together however, it looks like
> > you only allow one end point at a time to be set for the path.
> > Please correct me if I am wrong, I am assuming the wave starts at
> > startpoint (0 geodesic distance) and ends at endpoint.
> >
> > In the ArrivalFunctionToPathFilter  superclass, you had AddEndPoint,
> > but in SpeedFunctionToPathFilter, it is invalidated with a warning!
> > Why is that?
> > The reason I think it is needed is when you have multiple end
> > point candidates and you want the wave to stop propagation when it
> reaches
> > the first endpoint (that would be the fastest / closest geodesic pt.).
> >
> > In the current implementation, I would have to rerun the wave as many
> > times as there are endpoints and choose the one with least geodesic
> > distance.
> > Or alternatively, set all those end points as way points and compare
> their
> > geodesics, pick the least, and use it for the path.
> >
> > What do you think?
> >
> > Thanks.
> > Hussein
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 12:58 AM, asamwm <asamwm at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Thanks Dan.
> >> I'll let you know when I get it in place.
> >>
> >> Regards.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 12:42 AM, Dan Mueller <dan.muel at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> The filter is not yet available in the main ITK code archive. You must
> >>> download the article and code from here:
> >>>    http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/213
> >>>
> >>> Click on the full download ".zip" link and extract the files somewhere
> >>> on your hard drive. As explained in the article (section 2.1, page 3)
> >>> the main filter you will want to use is
> >>> itk::SpeedFunctionToPathFilter, which is located under the "Source"
> >>> folder. To use this filter within your own project, you will need to
> >>> copy all of the files under the "Source" folder to your own source
> >>> code directory.
> >>>
> >>> Make sure you leave a review at the journal!  ;P
> >>>
> >>> Hope this helps.
> >>>
> >>> Cheers, Dan
> >>>
> >>> 2009/7/9 asamwm <asamwm at gmail.com>:
> >>> > Hi all,
> >>> > I spent a lot of time searching for this but could not find it.
> >>> > There is this insight-journal publication:
> >>> > http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/213
> >>> >
> >>> > but where is that filter? I searched under the itk code tree for
> >>> > the keywords, speed function, minimal path,  .. no success
> >>> >
> >>> > Any successful examples? any alternatives?
> >>> >
> >>> > Thanks
> >>> >
> >>> >
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> >>
> >
> >
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