[Insight-users] DICOM: problem with the pixel values

Raquel Itk raquelitk at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 12:57:20 EDT 2009

I’m working at Project in my University. I use Dicom Image of CT lungs.
I can get the value of the pixels with an iterator. There are negative in a
lot of cases.
I use too Matlab. When I display my image with this software I match that
the pixels values are different than with the iterator.
I define the type of the pixels in Dicom in this way:
typedef signed short InputPixelType;

I would prefer that píxel values with the Itk would have the same value that
the have with Matlab but I don’t know how I can define the pixels.
I tried rescale the image but I din’t get the result that I would like.

Can anybody help me??

Sorry if my English is no perfect.

Thanks. Raquel

Matlab : [-2000, 2286]
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