[Insight-users] Bug in ITK or Visual studio? Reading DICOM images

Patrik Brynolfsson patrik.brynolfsson at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 03:57:05 EDT 2009

I'm running the example DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cxx and it compiles and
works just fine, except for when there are no dicom images in the folder I
supply. The program crashes and I get an "Output Window" with the text :

"Warning: In ..\..\..\InsightToolkit 3.12.0\Code\IO\itkGDCMSeriesFileNames."
"GDCMSeriesFileNames (018947A8): No Series were found"

but also an error from Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library:

"Debug assertion failed!
Program: DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.exe
File: C:\Program\MSVS 9.0\VC\include\vector
Line: 98
Expression: vector iterator not dereferencable"

If I compile in Release mode and give the wrong path I get the usual error
when a windows program hangs:

"DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.exe has encountered a problem and must close"

How do I avoid this? I'm thinking this is a bug in ITK or Visual Studio? Any

Thanks in advance

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