[Insight-users] about itk and python

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 07:54:14 EDT 2009

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao <
jmrbcu at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi folks, I am new to vtk and itk and I begining to love all the
> goodies of itk, right now, I'm triying to develop a dicom viewer with
> itk, vtk and python (my preferred language) so, I have a couple of
> questions to make.
> 1- How about the quality of wrappers (WrapITK vs standard)
> 2- How about memory consumption and load times of the wrappers.
> 3- I need to read several DICOM files, from various modalities, how do
> I read all of them if I need to now the image type first, for example:

If your plan is really to create a DICOM viewer (I am not sure you
understand the immense task this represent), I would suggest you use the
underlying library directly. In the case of ITK, this is GDCM.
This will allow you direct access to all possible DICOM file (ITK has some
restrictions) and get the correct visualisation as specified in the VOI LUT
(not used in ITK). You'll also have some issue with Grayscale Softcopy
Presentation State object (not handled in ITK).

If your plan is simply to display an itk::Image with input from DICOM file,
you should be warned that your viewer will not be compliant with DICOM
presentation states.

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