[Insight-users] Problem accessing Insight Journal

Iván Macía imacia at vicomtech.org
Thu Jun 25 03:38:58 EDT 2009


I have problems accessing Insight Journal. When going to
http://www.insight-journal.org I am redirected to
http://www.insight-journal.org/install and the following message appears:


Welcome to MIDAS e-Journal!

MIDAS e-Journal allows users to:

*	Submit publication, source code and data
*	Manage the review process
*	Interact and visualize the publications


This script will guide to you during the installation of MIDAS e-Journal.

> Database Connection: Cannot connect to the database.

Make sure the connection parameters in your config.php are correct.
As the postgres user you need to create a user 'midas' and a database

sudo -u postgres createuser -U postgres -W -d -S -P midas

sudo -u postgres createdb -U midas -W -E UNICODE midas


Is this due to maintenance or something?


Thanks in advance




Iván Macía Oliver
Investigador / Ikertzailea / Researcher
Departamento de Aplicaciones Biomédicas - Aplikazio Biomedikoaren Alorra -
Biomedical Applications
VICOMTech - Visual Interaction and Communication Technologies Center
Mikeletegi Pasealekua, 57 - Parque Tecnológico
E-20009 Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain
Tel: +[34] 943 30 92 30
Fax: +[34] 943 30 93 93
e-mail:  <mailto:lkabongo at vicomtech.org> imacia at vicomtech.org
 <http://www.vicomtech.org> http://www.vicomtech.org

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