[Insight-users] Announce: WrapITK 0.3.0 released

Pierre JUILLARD pierre.juillard at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 13:32:11 EDT 2009

Dear ITK users, dear Gaëtan,

I would like to know if there is simple way to make use of ITK in ParaView
through wrapITK.
In ParaView 3.6, most of VTK classes are available as python command.
May it be so simple with ITK using wrapITK?

If so, would you recommend a way on how to process?

I thank you in advance for your comments.


Le 30 juin 2009 00:53, Gaëtan Lehmann <gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr> a écrit

> Le 29 juin 09 à 23:27, Darren Weber a écrit :
>> Can we integrate this with a build for ITK 3.14?
>> The build hasn't been tested inside itk. Quite often, when it's not
>> tested, it's broken.
>>  Should this replace the WrapITK that is packaged in ITK 3.14?
>> No, but it may be a separate package. Would it be possible?
>> Yes, almost anything is possible.  However, it's a total pain in the neck
>> for porting with ITK.  The reason is simple, I think you need the entire
>> source tree for ITK in order to build WrapITK.
> You can build wrapitk with an installed ITK - no need to keep the ITK
> source tree.
>   In this case, it doesn't make any sense to have a separate port for
>> WrapITK.  On the other hand, if WrapITK were simply to link against compiled
>> ITK libraries, then a separate port would be easy.  Given the nature of
>> WrapITK, that's not an option.
> It's linked with ITK, and it uses the headers from itk during the build,
> nothing more. Just as any normal application using a normal library.
>> Maybe you can enlighten me on how you develop WrapITK without having
>> WrapITK within the ITK src tree.  As I see it in ITK 3.14.0, we have:
>> <itksrc>/Wrapping/WrapITK
> I have a separate dir for wrapitk.
>> In the port, there is a separate download for CableSwig, which is unpacked
>> into:
>> <itksrc>/Utilities/CableSwig
> I built it as a separate package. I think that would be a good thing to
> have it as a separate package in macport too.
>> If we could be confident that a separate release package could be
>> downloaded for WrapITK, it would be easy to unpack and replace the content
>> in
>> <itksrc>/Wrapping/WrapITK
>> However, it may not be so simple.
> I'm quite sure it won't work.
>> I conclude that we do have two options:
>> a) A separate port for WrapITK (oh god, please no!)
>> b) Wait for updates of WrapITK in the ITK release program (probably the
>> way to go)
>> If we did create a port for option a, then I assume that it must be an
>> almost direct replica of the current port for InsightToolkit, but it must
>> somehow replace the WrapITK components.
> No, that's not necessary, and is likely to NOT work.
>   In any case, the WrapITK port must contain all the ITK src code somehow
> No: it can take everything it needs from the installed ITK.
>  and it would need a full installation of ITK for all the shared library
>> links to work (unless the whole thing were built static, but I think that's
>> not an option with WrapITK - it requires shared libs, right?).
> Right.
> Really, building wrapitk is not that difficult. It builds fine with the
> installed ITK, CableSwig, Python, Java, Tcl, doxygen and swig. And from my
> packaging experience (for mandriva), it's easier to package CableSwig, ITK
> and WrapITK in 3 different packages than into a single one, at least because
> it decreases the build time for a single packgage. Also, wrapitk 0.3 builds
> fine with "make -j16" - that's what I'm using on my new host. I think you're
> not doing parallel build at this time in your package...
> Can't you simply make the wrapitk package depend on the ITK package,
> including for the build?
> The only difficult part, I think, is how to make the packages so that both
> wrapitk versions can be there. Or, if that's not possible, how to define
> which one should be there.
> Gaëtan
> --
> Gaëtan Lehmann
> Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction
> INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)
> tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66    fax: 01 34 65 29 09
> http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr  http://www.itk.org
> http://www.mandriva.org  http://www.bepo.fr
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