[Insight-users] ball algorithm

Raquel Itk raquelitk at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 16:11:27 EDT 2009

Hi Luis,

Thank you for you answer. I will try.

I have a binary image that results after gray-level thresholding in the
segmentation thorax. As a result I have the lung sementtion contours.

I hope to find the solution.


2009/6/30 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>

> Hi Raquel,
> From your email it is not clear is you want to apply this dilation
> in the Grayscale image or in a Binary image derived from it.
> Could you please clarify ?
> Do you have a segmentation of the lungs already ?
> Are you looking for a method suitable for segmenting the
> lungs from CT ?
> If so, you may want to try the ConnectedThresholdImageFilter,
> which is a Region growing filter. Just set several seed points
> (in index coordinates) inside the lungs an use an upper threshold
> around -700 HU.
> You will find more detailed methods in the Lung Lesion
> Sizing Toolkit:
> http://public.kitware.com/LesionSizingKit/index.php/Main_Page
> you will find code at:
> https://www.kitware.com/svn/LesionSizingKit/trunk/Sandbox/Source/
> You may be interested in the class
> itkLungWallFeatureGenerator.h<https://www.kitware.com/svn/LesionSizingKit/trunk/Sandbox/Source/itkLungWallFeatureGenerator.h>
> -----------------
> If you already have a segmentation, then you could simply  use
> the RegionOfInterestImageFilter, to extract each one of the
> lungs separately from the segmentation.
> Run the Dilation on each independent image, and if needed,
> merge the images back into the full image, by using the
>     PasteImageFilter.
> http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1PasteImageFilter.html
>   Please let us know if you have further questions,
>         Thanks
>               Luis
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Raquel Itk <raquelitk at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have an image Dicom of thoracic CT and I want to apply a ball structure
>> with the dilate operation. I had read:
>> Examples/Filtering/MathematicalMorphologyBinaryFilters.cxx.
>>  But I would like to do this, first with the  left lung and then  with the
>> right lung. I though to do two images, one only with the left lung and other
>> with the right lung.
>> I would to know to apply this, only of a part of an image or to indicate
>> the coordinate start to do dilate operation. :
>> Thanks
>> Raquel
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