[Insight-users] MetaImage to itk Image

Andreas Schuh andreas.schuh.84 at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 3 09:11:31 EST 2009

Hi Arturo,

why don't you read the meta image files using the ImageFileReader of the 
ITK? It can handle meta images as well. So you don't have to connect a 
VTK pipeline to an ITK pipeline.


Arturo Caissut schrieb:
> Hi,
> I need to import some MetaImage files in a ITK pipeline.
> I think I should first of all use vtkMetaImageReader to load files and 
> then itkVTKImageToImageFilter, but I cannot figure out how to redirect 
> the output of this filter to a ITK Image.
> Have you got any example of a VTK/ITK hybrid pipeline to understand 
> correct syntax I should use?
> Thank you,
> Arturo Caissut
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