[Insight-users] Problem with CannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter and ExtractImageFilter

cyrille Valladeau cyrille.valladeau at c-s.fr
Tue Mar 10 14:16:35 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I'm making a class that uses a itkCannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter. 
Unfortunatly my class generates a segmentation fault!!!
I've tried to fix the problem but it seems to be hard to find. First 
I've thought it was a streming/threading problem in my own source code 
but not.
I managed to identify the problem using basic itk classes. Applying a 
canny edge detection over a full image works without any problem, 
applying the same filter over an extract of an image which start index 
is the same as the origin index of the full image works fine too, but if 
you try to apply the filter ovec an extract of the image which start 
index is not the image origin it give you the segfault.

Well in attachment, you'll find an example that shows it. It applies a 
canny over an image and then over an extract of the image (which start 
index of the extract is given as argument).
The argument list is : input image, output full image, output extracted 
image, extraction index.

Is that a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?
If anybody has an idea it will be helpfull...

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