[Insight-users] Problem with CannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter and ExtractImageFilter

cyrille Valladeau cyrille.valladeau at c-s.fr
Wed Mar 11 04:19:30 EDT 2009


Thanks for your answer.
I place the try/catch block around each writer, with different error 
message. It doesn't change anything but it should be normal since the 
error is a segmentation fault not an Exception.
I run a gdb (you have the log in attachenment), it seems that the canny 
filter try to reach a pixel which index doesn't exist. I continue my 
investigation but your help is welcome.


cyrille Valladeau a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I'm making a class that uses a itkCannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter. 
> Unfortunatly my class generates a segmentation fault!!!
> I've tried to fix the problem but it seems to be hard to find. First 
> I've thought it was a streming/threading problem in my own source code 
> but not.
> I managed to identify the problem using basic itk classes. Applying a 
> canny edge detection over a full image works without any problem, 
> applying the same filter over an extract of an image which start index 
> is the same as the origin index of the full image works fine too, but 
> if you try to apply the filter ovec an extract of the image which 
> start index is not the image origin it give you the segfault.
> Well in attachment, you'll find an example that shows it. It applies a 
> canny over an image and then over an extract of the image (which start 
> index of the extract is given as argument).
> The argument list is : input image, output full image, output 
> extracted image, extraction index.
> Is that a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?
> If anybody has an idea it will be helpfull...
> Thanks,
> Cyrille
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Cyrille VALLADEAU - Ingénieur d'études et développement - Traitement d'images
CS Systèmes d'Information - Division ESPACE
Département Information Géographique & Image
Téléphones : +33 5 61 17 65 72
Email : cyrille.valladeau at c-s.fr


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