[Insight-users] Input for GeodesicActiveContourLevelsetImageFilter

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Mar 12 15:50:56 EDT 2009

Hi Baoyun,

This filter requires the Feature image and the Input image to be of
the same size.

You will have to manipulate one or the other in order to make them
of the same size.



Baoyun Li wrote:
> Dear All:
> I want to ask what is the requirement for this filter such as:
>   geodesicActiveContour->SetInput( IntialLevelSet);
>   geodesicActiveContour->SetFeatureImage( speedimage );
> Now my InitialLevelSet and Speed image have same resolution but with 
> diferent size, when I run the geodesicActiveContour->Update(), the 
> program collaps.
> I believe the size difference caused the error. I run the 
> geodesicActiveContour at high resultion image before, it works fine.
> Now my initial level set is obtained from the resample segmentation of 
> lower level, the image size is different with high resolution image due 
> to several times recalucation the image size.
> Can somebody let me whether the image sizes need to be same.
> Baoyun

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