[Insight-users] Segmentation fault when running SurfaceExtraction.cxx example

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Mar 17 18:49:30 EDT 2009

Hi Noe,

              Welcome to ITK !

Tell us a bit more about your problem...

 From your email, it seems that your are getting a
segmentation fault when you compile it for 3D...

A) Can you tell us what kind of input
    image file are you passing to this program ?

B) What is your platform ?
    (Operating system, Compiler, ITK version)

C) When you set the Dimension to 1, this program
    is not really expected to work.
    The filter used in this example is strongly
    customized for 3D images.

Please let us now about questions (A) and (B) above,



Noé Jimenez Costa wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm a new user of itk. Ihave a problem when i build the Surface 
> extracion example. The source code can be found in the file:
> Examples/Filtering/SurfaceExtraction.cxx
> I use:
> const unsigned int Dimension = 3;
> typedef unsigned char  PixelType;
> typedef itk::Image< PixelType, Dimension >   ImageType;
> ...
> try
>     {
>     reader->Update();
>     }
> ..
> when I run my program appear a error: "fallo de segmentacion".
> and if i use Dimension=1 for imagen Dicom, don't appear that error, but 
> the nodes and cells are 0.
> How can I solve that problem?
> thanks,
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