[Insight-users] Error: itkVTKImageImport

firat.sarialtun at boun.edu.tr firat.sarialtun at boun.edu.tr
Fri Mar 20 18:57:48 EDT 2009

Hi. I have been trying to implement GeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter in
ITK for the purposeof Liver Segmentation. I modified the code in order to take
a VTK image as input, convert it into ITK image, process it with the filter,
then reconvert the segmented image into VTK image again. But i have faced with
the problem below. by the way I use the type float for all input variables.

Exception caught !

itk::ExceptionObject (0x94b9fd8)
Location: "void itk::VTKImageImport<TOutputImage>::GenerateOutputInformation()
[with TOutputImage = itk::Image<float, 2u>]"
File: /usr/local/ITK/ITK/Code/BasicFilters/itkVTKImageImport.txx
Line: 251
Description: itk::ERROR: VTKImageImport(0x948c9e8): Input scalar type is double
but should be float

Max. no. iterations: 800
Max. RMS error: 0.02

No. elpased iterations: 0
RMS change: 0

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