[Insight-users] Undefined reference

Maximilien Renard iixamaxii at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 16:59:02 EDT 2009

Hi there,

I'm having some trouble : I've written a program using Qt and ITK.
I've first compiled it under linux and had no problem. Now I'm trying
to compile it under windows. I'm not using CMake (I've just used it to
compile ITK from sources). The libs have been included that way (part
of my .pro) :

    LIBS += -L$${ITK_LIB_PATH} \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKDICOMParser.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKEXPAT.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitkvcl.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitktestlib.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitkvnl.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitkv3p_netlib.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitkvnl_algo.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitkvnl_inst.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitksys.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKCommon.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKStatistics.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKNumerics.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKAlgorithms.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKBasicFilters.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitkzlib.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitkjpeg12.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitkjpeg16.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitkjpeg8.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitkopenjpeg.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitkgdcm.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitkpng.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libitktiff.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKMetaIO.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKSpatialObject.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKznz.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKniftiio.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKNrrdIO.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKIO.a \
        $${ITK_LIB_PATH}libITKFEM.a \

I've checked the order using the ITKLibraryDepends.cmake and I think
it's OK. Sadly this is the output when I try compile my project (see
Attached File error.txt).

Do you have any idea on how I could fix that ? This is a school
project and I've been trying for days to fix that but nothing helps.

Any help would be appreciated !

Thanks a lot,

Best regards,

Maximilien Renard

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