[Insight-users] ITK for fluorescence microscopy - BioImageXD

Lassi Paavolainen lopaavol at jyu.fi
Tue May 12 07:50:35 EDT 2009

Hi Alex and Dan,

On Tue, 12 May 2009, alex gouaillard wrote:

> On May 12, 2009, at 4:24 AM, Daniel James White wrote:
>> BXD might well move to java wrapped VTK/ITK from python in the
>> future,  primarily for platform independence reasons: No 64 Bit Carbon
>> on OSX.
>> That would also allow a direct interface with Fiji-ImageJ , which
>> would be very cool.
> Why not using Cocoa instead of carbon if you want 64 bits?
> Java rapping is interesting on hits own, of course, for other reasons.

I'm no Mac expert but the reason is that wxPython cannot be compiled in 64 
bits in Cocoa if I remember correctly. We are looking into QT 4.5 for that 
reason also.

Actually that is not the primarily reason to investigate using Java but 
only one. There are also other reasons mainly focusing on software 
development process (new architecture, handling of 50k+ LOC, testing, 
documentation, work force) and other future plans like 64 bitness and 

Of course Python has its own benefits including dynamic type system and 
already well working wrapping of ITK. By the way, is Java wrapping of ITK 
already as well working as is Python wrapping?


Lassi Paavolainen, M.Sc.
Software Engineer
BioImageXD (http://www.bioimagexd.net)
lopaavol at jyu.fi

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