[Insight-users] Problem in runnnig the code "active contour without edge"

Kishore Mosaliganti kishoreraom at gmail.com
Wed May 13 09:51:41 EDT 2009

Hi Jihan,

The files were recently moved to the Review directory in ITK and underwent
some changes. We are working on updating the examples and the Insight
Journal submission as well.

The IJ submission is a little old and has not been updated for a while.

I will get back to you shortly with more information.


Dear ITK users,

I'm recently working with Level set and Mumford-Shah model. I Download your
code from the Insight-Journal web site "
<http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/322%22,> the code
nicely, but when i want to run an example it shows a message of type
segmentation failed. Anyone tried this before?

I try to run the following code.
./ScalarSinglePhaseSparse2DTest example2D.png phi.mha seg.mha -i 50 --l1 1
--l2 1 --nu 10000
the message I got is:
SparseMultiphaseLevelSetImageFilter (0x88cd3f0)
  RTTI typeinfo:
itk::SparseMultiphaseLevelSetImageFilter<itk::Image<float, 2u>,
itk::Image<float, 2u>,
itk::ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction<itk::Image<float, 2u>,
itk::Image<float, 2u>,
itk::ScalarChanAndVeseSharedFunctionData<itk::Image<float, 2u>,
itk::Image<float, 2u> > >, float>
  Reference Count: 2
  Modified Time: 361
  Debug: Off
  Number Of Required Inputs: 1
  Number Of Required Outputs: 1
  Number Of Threads: 2
  ReleaseDataFlag: Off
  ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag: Off
  Input 0: (0x88b5278)
  Output 0: (0x88cd4d0)
  Output 1: (0x88cd630)
  AbortGenerateData: Off
  Progress: 0
    RTTI typeinfo:   itk::MultiThreader
    Reference Count: 1
    Modified Time: 324
    Debug: Off
    Thread Count: 2
    Global Maximum Number Of Threads: 0
  InPlace: Off
  The input and output to this filter are the same type. The filter can be
run in place.
  ElapsedIterations: 0
  UseImageSpacing: Off
  State: 0
  MaximumRMSError: 0
  NumberOfIterations: 50
  ManualReinitialization: 0
  RMSChange: 0

    ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction (0x88bca78)
      RTTI typeinfo:
itk::ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction<itk::Image<float, 2u>,
itk::Image<float, 2u>,
itk::ScalarChanAndVeseSharedFunctionData<itk::Image<float, 2u>,
itk::Image<float, 2u> > >
      Reference Count: 1
      Radius: [1, 1]
      ScaleCoefficients: 0x88bcaa0      WaveDT: 0.25
      DT: 0.25
      UseMinimalCurvature 0
      EpsilonMagnitude: 1e-05
      AdvectionWeight: 0
      PropagationWeight: 0
      CurvatureWeight: 0
      LaplacianSmoothingWeight: 0

  m_IsoSurfaceValue: 0
  m_BoundsCheckingActive: 0  m_LayerNodeStore:
    ObjectStore (0x88b7958)
      RTTI typeinfo:
itk::ObjectStore<itk::SparseFieldLevelSetNode2<itk::Index<2u> > >
      Reference Count: 1
      Modified Time: 345
      Debug: Off
      m_GrowthStrategy: 1
      m_Size: 0
      m_LinearGrowthSize: 1024
      Free list size: 0
      Free list capacity: 0
      Number of blocks in store: 0
  m_UpdateBuffer: size=0 capacity = 0
  Name Of Class: SparseMultiphaseLevelSetImageFilter
  m_ReverseExpansionDirection = 0
  m_AutoGenerateSpeedAdvection = 1
  Name Of Class:

Segmentation failed.
I want to mention that I'm running this code in Ubuntu 9.04.
Thanks in Advance.
Jihan Zoghbi
Jihan Zoghbi
http://www.ime.usp.br/~jihan/ <http://www.ime.usp.br/%7Ejihan/>
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