[Insight-users] 3d Deformable Registration problem based on DeformableRegistration8

Albert Gubern bertkrek at gmail.com
Thu May 21 05:48:14 EDT 2009

There were two mistakes in the last mail.

The images link don't have the final dot and the double
costFunctionconvergenceFactor is 1e3 instead of 1e-3.



2009/5/21 Albert Gubern <bertkrek at gmail.com>

> Hi Luis,
> Thanks for your answer.
> I tried it  (3D and modified 2d version) but it doesn't work. The link
> shows fixed, moving images and differences before and after registration:
> http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/2383/deformablereg15.png.
> However, my goal is finding only deformable transform, because previously I
> modified the image only applying non-rigid transformation (I know that my
> test images don't have rigid and affine transformation).
> I don't know where is the problem. I've done all kind of tests (2D, 3D,
> changing the metric, smoomthing images, changing number of colous...). I
> explain to you in detail:
> The basic code uses LBFGSBOptimizer, MattesMutualInformation and only one
> BSplineDeformableTransfrom in 3 dimensions (based on
> DeformableRegistration8.cxx). This works correctly with 3D phantom images as
> you can see in the next link:
> http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/1831/phantomdeformableregist.png. Also
> I modified the code to use with 2D images, and the result is the same taking
> one slice of the phantom.
> The parameters of the LBFGSBoptimizer are setting like this:
>   double costFunctionconvergenceFactor = 1e-3;
>   double projectedGradientTolerance = 1e-12;
>   int maxNumberOfIterations = 500;
>   int maxNumberOfEvaluations = 500 ;
>   int maxNumberOfCorrections = 20;
> The problem appears when I use MRI prostate images of real patient. The
> registration should recovery the same deformation that it has recovered in
> phantom images, but it doesn't work. The prostate images have these
> features:
> Spacing =  [0.46875, 0.46875, 3]
> Size = [128, 128, 21]
> Origin = [0, 0, 0]
> Resolution = 8 bits
> The following part of the mail are the tests I've done in order to find the
> problem. I noticed that working with 2D slices of the volume I has the same
> problem. For this reason the tests are done in 2D because 3D registration
> spends more time. In all tests I've tried differents values of bins  (16,32
> and 64) and nodes of grid (from 4 to 30), and the number of samples are 100%
> of the image. You can see  fixed and moving image in this link:
> http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6524/fixedandmoving.png.
> - My original code cited before: it doesn't work. Most of test do few
> iterations for little grid (4 - 15). Increasing the grid (20) I achieve more
> iterations, but no good results. The next link is the checkerboard after the
> registration with 20 nodes:
> http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/783/2doriginaltest.png.
> - Smoothing, binarizing and dicreasing  the colors of fixed and moving
> image.  Each of this pre-process had been applied and tested separately not
> achieving good results (the same output as in the last test).
> http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/2329/preprocessedimages.png
> - Taking only a region of the image in order to focus the registration. In
> this case I've extracted the first quadrant that corresponds to the part
> where the deformation was applied obtaining a 64x64 image.
> - Changing MattesMutualInformationMetric for MeanSquaresMetric: In this
> case I've got better results and I've seen a transformation applied to the
> moving image. The number of nodes of the grid in the best test is 5.
> http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/3776/rmstest2dresult.png
> Any idea where is the problem? The metric? The optimizer? I've also tried
> RegularGradientOptimizer with MI and the results are the same.
> Thanks in advance.
> Albert
> 2009/5/21 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
>> Hi Albert,
>> Please try try using:
>>       DeformableRegistration15.cxx
>> This example performs a sequence of
>>   * Rigid
>>   * Affine
>>   * and two resolutions of
>>     deformable registration
>> Please let us know what you find,
>>    Thanks
>>       Luis
>> ---------------------
>> Albert Gubern wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> I've changed my code using RegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer instead of
>>> LBFGSBOptimizer.
>>> Using brain phantom volume, I had good visual results (the moving image
>>> is transformed looking like fixed image) with LBFGSBOptimizer, and the final
>>> value of the metric was  -0.836697.
>>> Starting Registration
>>> 0   -0.580566   0 0
>>> 0   -0.580643   0 0
>>> 0   -0.583835   0 0
>>> 0   -0.583835   0.000114794 0
>>> 1   -0.598343   0.000114794 0
>>> 1   -0.598343   7.34998e-05 0
>>> 2   -0.617556   7.34998e-05 0
>>> 2   -0.617556   0.000133695 0
>>> (...)
>>> 83   -0.836697   0.000103487 0
>>> 83   -0.836697   0.000103487 0
>>> 83   -0.836686   0.000103487 0
>>> 83   -0.836697   0.000103487 0
>>> 83   -0.836697   0.000103487 0
>>> 83   -0.836686   0.000103487 0
>>> 83   -0.836697   0.000103487 0
>>> 83   -0.836697   0.000103487 0
>>> On the other hand, using RegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer the final
>>> value of the metric with 800 iterations is -0.638617 and the resampled image
>>> is not good and only is deformed in their first and last slices. With MRI
>>> prostate volume I had the same problem: the transformation only deforms the
>>> first and the last slice of the volume.
>>>  Starting Registration
>>> 0   -0.580566 1   -0.57976 2   -0.579975 3   -0.579813 4   -0.580218 5
>>> -0.580442 (...)
>>> 793   -0.637725 794   -0.637952 795   -0.637915 796   -0.637942 797
>>> -0.638316 798   -0.637498 799   -0.638617
>>> I've set the stepLength of the optimizer but I haven't achieved better
>>> metric values progress in each step of the registration. Also, I don't
>>> understand why the output image only is transformed in the first and the
>>> last slice.
>>> So, having in consideration that with  LBFGSBOptimizer I have good
>>> results registering the brain phantom volume, I would like to know how can I
>>> tune this optimizer in order to work with MRI prostate images.
>>> If we need more information about my code, don't doubt to ask me.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Albert
>>> 2009/5/12 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com <mailto:
>>> luis.ibanez at kitware.com>>
>>>    Hi Albert,
>>>    It turned out in practice that the LBFGSBOptimizer is not as superior
>>>    as it may have been assumed.
>>>    Lately we have simply used the RegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer
>>>    with reasonable results.
>>>    See for example:
>>>        Insight/Examples/Registration/DeformableRegistration15.cxx
>>>    In general,
>>>    any claims saying than some component is
>>>                                 "The Best"
>>>    should be taken with a lot of suspicion.
>>>    Such claims are good only for publishing papers in traditional
>>>    Journals and Conferences that do not exercise reproducibility.
>>>    You can not rely on such sources when you are working on
>>>    serious applications.
>>>    Don't hesitate to experiment with other components of the
>>>    registration framework.
>>>    In many cases, the challenge is not so much about what components
>>>    to use, but about how to fine-tune their parameters for the problem
>>>    at hand.
>>>    Please let us know what you find,
>>>        Thanks
>>>             Luis
>>>    -------------------------
>>>    On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Albert Gubern <bertkrek at gmail.com
>>>    <mailto:bertkrek at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     > Hi,
>>>     >
>>>     > I've modified the example DeformableRegistration8.cxx in order to
>>>    do a 3D
>>>     > DeformableRegistration. This example uses
>>>    MattesMutualInformationMetric,
>>>     > BSplineDeformableTransform and LBFGSBOptimizer.
>>>     >
>>>     > I tested the code with a brain phantom generated with Matlab. The
>>>    original
>>>     > volume is deformed using Matlab b-spline deformation based on
>>>    this routine
>>>     > http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/20057, and I
>>>    want to use
>>>     > the deformable registration of ITK to recover the deformation.
>>>    The next link
>>>     > shows two checkerboard of one slice, before and after the succesful
>>>     > registration:
>>>     >
>>>    http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/1831/phantomdeformableregist.png.
>>> The
>>>     > original volume is set as the fixed image and the deformed
>>>    phantom as the
>>>     > moving.
>>>     > - Mostra el text citat -
>>>     >
>>>     > The output of the execution is:
>>>     >
>>>     > Starting Registration
>>>     > 0   -0.579387   0 0
>>>     > 0   -0.581355   0 0
>>>     > 0   -0.584345   0 0
>>>     > 0   -0.584345   6.33911e-05 0
>>>     > 1   -0.603649   6.33911e-05 0
>>>     > 1   -0.603649   6.41689e-05 0
>>>     > 2   -0.624884   6.41689e-05 0
>>>     > 2   -0.624884   7.76054e-05 0
>>>     > 3   -0.638071   7.76054e-05 0
>>>     > 3   -0.638071   6.32524e-05 0
>>>     > 4   -0.655438   6.32524e-05 0
>>>     > 4   -0.655438   7.51525e-05 0
>>>     > 5   -0.677776   7.51525e-05 0
>>>     > 5   -0.677776   6.37494e-05 0
>>>     > 6   -0.696669   6.37494e-05 0
>>>     > 6   -0.696669   5.09743e-05 0
>>>     > 7   -0.713613   5.09743e-05 0
>>>     > 7   -0.713613   5.48518e-05 0
>>>     > ... (60 iterations more)
>>>     > 67   -0.854863   4.01611e-05 0
>>>     > 67   -0.854863   4.01611e-05 0
>>>     > 67   -0.854863   4.01611e-05 0
>>>     > 67   -0.854863   4.01611e-05 0
>>>     >          Probe Tag    Starts    Stops             Time (s)
>>>     >        Registration           1            1           3289.35
>>>     >
>>>     > Next step was to test the same code with prostate MRI images but
>>> the
>>>     > registration doesn't work. The original volume is a central
>>>    region of MRI to
>>>     > focus the registration on the prostate
>>>     > (http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/200/mrireal.png), and the same
>>>     > deformation, that was applied to the phantom test, is used to
>>>    deform the
>>>     > original prostate. The goal of the registration is the same:
>>>    recovering the
>>>     > deformation. The next link is a checkerboard of one slice of the
>>>    volume to
>>>     > show that fixed and moving images look different enough
>>>     > (http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/8905/im011.png).
>>>     >
>>>     > In this test the program the registration stops too early doing
>>>    only few
>>>     > iterations and the InfinityNormOfProjectedGradient is always zero:
>>>     >
>>>     > Starting Registration
>>>     > 0   -0.742878   0 0
>>>     > 0   -0.722791   0 0
>>>     > 0   -0.721167   0 0
>>>     > 0   -0.721134   0 0
>>>     > 0   -0.733701   0 0
>>>     > 0   -0.733701   0 0
>>>     > 0   -0.742878   0 0
>>>     > 0   -0.742878   0.000122748 0
>>>     >          Probe Tag    Starts    Stops             Time (s)
>>>     >        Registration           1            1           97.3459
>>>     >
>>>     > I have tested the registration using different values of bins
>>>     > (32,64,100,etc), % samples (100, 50, ...), using the original
>>>     > (0.46875,0.46875,0.46875) and the unitary spacing, different
>>>    number of grids
>>>     > (from 5 to 50) and the parameters of the LBFGSBOptimizer are the
>>>    following:
>>>     >
>>>     >  double costFunctionconvergenceFactor = 1.e7;
>>>     >  double projectedGradientTolerance = 1e-6;
>>>     >  int maxNumberOfIterations = 500;
>>>     >  int maxNumberOfEvaluations = 500 ;
>>>     >  int maxNumberOfCorrections = 5;
>>>     >
>>>     > Among other tests, I've also changed the metric to
>>>    MeanSquareMetric to know
>>>     > if mattes mutual information metric is the problem or,
>>>    separately, the fixed
>>>     > and moving image have been binarized to reduce the information of
>>>    each
>>>     > image. The output has been the same.
>>>     >
>>>     > All the tests seem to show that the problem is the optimizer, but
>>>    I don't
>>>     > know how I can solve it because in some posts in the mailing list
>>>    I've read
>>>     > that it is the best optimizer for deformable registration. Should
>>>    I change
>>>     > it for another one (Regular or LBFGS)? Any other idea?
>>>     >
>>>     > Thanks in advance.
>>>     >
>>>     > Albert
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>>>     >
>>> --
>>> Albert
> --
> Albert

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