[Insight-users] FEM Library: multiple materials, meshes visualization and manual load definition

HellWoxX hellwoxx at gmail.com
Sat May 23 21:58:25 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I am a new ITK user, and I have a couple of questions about the ITK FEM

I would like to test how FEM registration would work on the registration of
MRI brain images, pre- & post- tumor removal surgery.

I have already studied the DeformableRegistration1.cxx example, and played
around with the parameters.

I also had a look at the "Non-Rigid registration methods" tutorial (

So if you can give me some hints about....
1) the creation of multiple materials... is the source code of your example
page 80 in the tutorial available?
2) Is the source code to visualize the meshes - same page in the tutorial -,
available ? That would save me some time....
3) how to define manually loads (in specifics directions at specific
points)... ?

... that would be awesome!


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