[Insight-users] Where to find more info on OtsuMultipleThresholds?

Roman Grothausmann roman.grothausmann at helmholtz-berlin.de
Thu Nov 19 09:43:56 EST 2009

Thank You all very much for Your input. I see, I've to read up on this 
and try to understand the basics of the math behind it.

Is there a rule of thump on what histogram binning one should use when?

As Multi-Otsu-thr's point is to be parameter free (except for the 
hist-bin and # of classes) I wonder if there is some filter where I can 
help the thresholding algorithm by specifying a range in which each 
threshold should be found?

I found this MRFImageFilter but it seems the example from the docs was 
removed in version 3.16. Is it not valid any more?
How does it differ from the MRF-Graph-Cuts 

Many thanks,

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