[Insight-users] Image pixel type safety

Wagner Sales wsales at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 16:19:47 EST 2009

Hi all,

I'm working with DICOM images and I'm looking for a pixel type safety.
I know are possible to use GDCMImageIO to ask about the pixel type of
an image. May be that's are the better way to read, register or
segment images. But in most cases ( registration are the most
important ) I have two different pixel types. Commonly, DICOM are 12
bit per pixel ( 4096 ), but I really don't know if are safe to read
all images without ask, but using a double or float as pixel type.
Many examples in ITK and others that's uses ITK simple define the
pixel type as float, for example. But this examples, in most cases,
expect a well known image to work (provided with the example). What's
I'm asking are: can I assume a fixed pixel type ( of course, a large
value, like double, and not a char, wish only supports 0-255 ) to read
images and do registration/segmentation? For example

typedef itk::Image<float,3> ImageType;


typedef itk::Image<double, 3>  ImageType;

Because some float issues, I'll prefer the second option.

If can I assume this, are implications? Of course, if I didn't my
house work, please point me in a direction.



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