[Insight-users] "Killing" itk::kdTree ??

motes motes mort.motes at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 20:09:55 EST 2009

I have implemented a transform that calls the itk::kdTree in the
function "TransformPoint":

// Transform a point
template<class TScalarType, unsigned int NDimensions, unsigned int VSplineOrder>
MyTransform<TScalarType, NDimensions, VSplineOrder>
  const InputPointType & point,
  OutputPointType & outputPoint,
  WeightsType & weights,
  ParameterIndexArrayType & indices,
  bool & inside ) const
  unsigned int j;
  IndexType supportIndex;
  inside = true;
  InputPointType transformedPoint;

  if ( m_BulkTransform ) {
    transformedPoint = m_BulkTransform->TransformPoint( point );
  } else {
    transformedPoint = point;

  outputPoint.Fill( NumericTraits<ScalarType>::Zero );
  if ( m_CoefficientImage[0] ) {
      outputPoint.Fill( NumericTraits<ScalarType>::Zero );

      NeighborContainerType neighbors;

      // Wraps the call to the kdTree.
      this->FindNeighbors(point, m_kernel_radius, neighbors);


Before running the transform the tree is build with elements. Since
the kdTree is located in the TransformPoint function it gets called
for all pixels in the input image.

I am currently testing it on 128*128*128 images. But when I try to
compute the resampled image I get the error:

HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED:after Normal block(#107261) at 0x020A44E0.
CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap

as previously described here on the mailing list. Now the wierd thing
is that if I insert a limit in the TransformPoint function like:

  if ( m_CoefficientImage[0] ) {
      outputPoint.Fill( NumericTraits<ScalarType>::Zero );

     // Inserting limit
    if(transform_count < transform_limit) {
      NeighborContainerType neighbors;
      this->FindNeighbors(point, m_kernel_radius, neighbors);



it works fine! I have tried with a  transform_limit = 10000 and it
works fine. But if I raise the limit to 100000 I get the above heap

Is it possible to "kill" the itk::kdTree if calling it in a loop that
iterates 100000 times?

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