[Insight-users] bash script to search example files for terms
Luis Ibanez
luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Oct 12 21:28:57 EDT 2009
That's a good idea.
You would have to suggest the idea in
the VTK mailing list though, since the
two toolkits have different governances.
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Andrew Maclean
<andrew.amaclean at gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe this could be done for vtk too?
> Regards
> Andrew
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 7:15 AM, Darren Weber
> <darren.weber.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Luis,
>> Please feel free to distribute it with the LGPL license (or a BSD license,
>> or something that is compatible with the ITK license and general OSI
>> principles).
>> For a more portable solution, the itk*Path variables might be obtained
>> automatically (how?). The search path could be an input parameter (but that
>> almost defeats the convenience of this bash wrapper around a grep process).
>> The grep command options list the files where the search term is found (not
>> the lines of those files where the search term occurs). For a bit more
>> value, it's possible to modify the script so that the entire grep loop
>> returns an array of file paths, which could be piped into something like:
>> less -p ${searchTerm} ${fileArray}[@]
>> Then less would provide the means to page through the files.
>> Here is another variation on the same thing - this one searches the testing
>> path and it includes the .tcl and .py example files in the search. It might
>> be called 'itkSearchFiles.bash' ?
>> ###### BEGIN SCRIPT
>> #!/bin/bash
>> if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
>> echo "$0 'search term' ['search term' ...]"
>> exit 1
>> fi
>> itkExamplePath="/opt/local/share/InsightToolkit/examples"
>> itkTestingPath="/opt/local/share/InsightToolkit/testing/Code"
>> for term in $@; do
>> echo
>> echo "Search term: ${term}"
>> for itkPath in "${itkExamplePath}" "${itkTestingPath}" ; do
>> if [ ! -d ${itkPath} ]; then
>> echo "Path not found: ${itkPath}"
>> fi
>> echo "Searching ITK files in: ${itkPath}"
>> grep -l -E -e ${term} ${itkPath}/*/*.cxx
>> grep -l -E -e ${term} ${itkPath}/*/*.tcl
>> grep -l -E -e ${term} ${itkPath}/*/*.py
>> done
>> done
>> ###### END SCRIPT
>> Take care,
>> Darren
>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Darren,
>>> This is really useful !
>>> Thank you for sharing it.
>>> Do you see any reason for not adding this to the CVS
>>> repository and distribute it along with ITK ?
>>> Please let us know,
>>> Thanks
>>> Luis
>>> ---------------------------------------
>>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Darren Weber
>>> <darren.weber.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > This is a short bash script (grep does the work) to search for terms in
>>> > the
>>> > InsightToolkit example files. It's a convenience wrapper that stores
>>> > the
>>> > path to the example files (.cxx in this case), the syntax of the grep
>>> > call,
>>> > and allows multiple terms to be given at once. Modify the example
>>> > search
>>> > path for your purposes (it could be modified to search for the tcl or
>>> > python
>>> > examples too). Modify the grep call as you like.
>>> >
>>> > #### BEGIN SCRIPT
>>> > #!/bin/bash
>>> >
>>> > if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
>>> > echo "$0 'search term' ['search term' ...]"
>>> > exit 1
>>> > fi
>>> >
>>> > # Search the CXX files
>>> > itkExamplePath="/opt/local/share/InsightToolkit/examples/*/*.cxx"
>>> > echo "Searching ITK .cxx files in: ${itkExamplePath}"
>>> >
>>> > for term in $@; do
>>> > echo
>>> > echo "Search term: ${term}"
>>> > grep -l -E -e ${term} ${itkExamplePath}
>>> > done
>>> > #### END SCRIPT
>>> >
>>> > This is an example call on my platform:
>>> >
>>> > $ itkSearchExamples.bash 'TransformWriter' 'TransformReader'
>>> > Searching ITK .cxx files in:
>>> > /opt/local/share/InsightToolkit/examples/*/*.cxx
>>> >
>>> > Search term: TransformWriter
>>> > /opt/local/share/InsightToolkit/examples/IO/TransformReadWrite.cxx
>>> >
>>> > Search term: TransformReader
>>> > /opt/local/share/InsightToolkit/examples/IO/TransformReadWrite.cxx
>>> >
>>> > /opt/local/share/InsightToolkit/examples/Registration/DeformableRegistration14.cxx
>>> >
>>> > /opt/local/share/InsightToolkit/examples/Registration/DeformableRegistration8.cxx
>>> >
>>> > Take care,
>>> > Darren
>>> >
>>> >
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