[Insight-users] VTK version for IJ testing?

Alexandre GOUAILLARD agouaillard at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 04:55:35 EDT 2009

Hi david, (luis, zack, julien, all :-) )


could we consider that the code in IJ does not have to be production
code but can be more of a proof of concept ? My idea is that most of
the IJ reader would care if the code works before checking if they can
make it work faster.
Then, Another option is to check the current version of ITK (here luis
might suggest on good way to do that) in the makefile and
conditionally use one version of the BSP tree or the other. I know for
example that the itkVersion.h files is automatically incremented
everyday. Luis is there a simple and easy way to check that?

When we submitted the Parameterization code, we implemented a plug in
mechanism for linear solvers. The one included in ITK was the slowest
but worked all the time, while TAUCS was 20x faster, but had licence
issues. We submitted with the ITK version by default, documented how
to speed up things, and put it in IJ. It had a warm welcome from

2 cents.


On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 9:58 PM, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 1:52 PM, David Doria <daviddoria+itk at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> The class
>>>            vtkModifiedBSPTree.h
>>> was added to VTK on August 5th 2009:
>>> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Filtering/vtkModifiedBSPTree.h?view=log
>>> Revision 1.1
>>> date: 2009-08-05 10:30:33 -0400;  author: biddisco;  state: Exp;
>>> commitid: Evwm0eBFvHniZvYt;
>>> ENH: Add new Cell Locator class to Filtering. This is a BSP tree which
>>> store cells using axis aligned lists, it was originally optimized for
>>> RayCasting, but still works well as a general purpose cell locator.
>>> =============================================================================
>>> Therefore this class is not included in the VTK
>>> releases 5.4 nor 5.4.2.
>>> The Insight Journal build environment only supports
>>> recent official releases of the toolkits, not their CVS
>>> versions.
>>> Any chance that you could base your insight Journal
>>> submission on VTK 5.4 ?
>>>     Please let us know,
>>>           Thanks
>>>                Luis
>> Luis,
>> When you CC people (Julien, Zack) I assume it's for a good reason - should I
>> reply-all to them or just reply to the list?
>> I found that the modified BSP tree produced a MASSIVE speed up (50x +) so it
>> would seem silly to go back to using one of the other data structures. I
>> guess there's nothing else we can do then? I suppose having the IJ build
>> environment use CVS versions is out of the question? I guess it depends on
>> the mission statement of the IJ build platform - if it is mainly for ITK
>> then I guess having only the VTK release version makes sense. If it is
>> trying to be a catch all for Kitware product code it doesn't seem too
>> unreasonable to support the latest cvs versions of all the toolkits.
>> Let me know what you all think.
>> Thanks,
>> David
> -------------------------------
> Hi David,
> Your are right,
> I'm adding Julien and Zack in CC because they
> are the embodiments of "root" for the Insight Journal.        :-)
> In general,
> it is preferable to copy the list so the resolution
> of any issue is stored in the mailing list Archives.
> In this case in particular,
> The use of the Insight Journal is quite relevant to
> all users, so it is good to share any information on
> how to post submissions to the Journal.
> I see your point for wanting the IJ to support the
> CVS version of VTK.  The problem with this is that
> the CVS version of VTK is different every day    :-)
> That said,
> I would deffer to Zack and Julien to state how
> difficult or easy it may be to maintain a Nightly
> CVS version of ITK and VTK in the Insight Journal
> build environment.
>     Luis
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