[Insight-users] Problem with 2D Registration (local minima)

Manuel David Tabas Calle manueldavid.tabas at hotmail.es
Wed Oct 21 11:56:57 EDT 2009

Hello ITK,


I´m working with ITK to do registration of 2D images and I think I reach a local minima that makes a poor registration.


I´m using 2D images 2000x2000 pixels in what the moving image needs a rotation and a translation. So I reproduced the ImageRegistration6.cxx to do that. But the result I got is not good enough so I think that the MeanSquares metric reaches a local minima. The value of the metric is about 4000 (aprox.), and I run a test using as input parameters the optimal ones (that is, the result I think i should obtain) and the metric returns a value of 2500 (aprox.). 


The framework I use is:








And the parameters of my registration are:


const double translationScale = 1.0 / 1000.0;

optimizerScales[0] = 1.0;

optimizerScales[1] = translationScale;

optimizerScales[2] = translationScale;

optimizerScales[3] = translationScale;

optimizerScales[4] = translationScale;


optimizer->SetMaximumStepLength( 0.1 );

optimizer->SetMinimumStepLength( 0.001 );

optimizer->SetNumberOfIterations( 200 );



The scales are well defined and I tried to vary the parameters of the optimizer but the results were similar, so I don´t know what to do next. Any idea??


Thank you in advance, I hope you can have more ideas to try.








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