[Insight-users] Using ITK in a Cocoa App (+Xcode)

Olivier Saut saut.olivier at orange.fr
Thu Oct 22 08:14:36 EDT 2009

Le 20 oct. 2009 à 15:12, Sean McBride a écrit :

> On 10/20/09 10:02 AM, Olivier Saut said:
>>> I'm illiterate on Objective-C++      :-/
>>> Could you please tell us if you are allowed to use
>>> std::streams in an Objective-C++ file ?
>> As Michael confirmed in his mail, I think so.
>> From your answer it looks like my problem is not  specific to ITK, I
>> will try to investigate more on the interplay between ObjectiveC++  
>> and
>> standard streams.
>> For the time being, I am using ITK by launching processes (written  
>> in C
>> ++) directly from my Cocoa App (using NSTask).
> We use ITK in our Cocoa app with no problem.  We just include ITK
> headers and link to ITK static libs.  It must be something with your
> project setup.  Try creating a new Cocoa project in Xcode and see if  
> it
> works there.

I have tried starting from scratch : it still fails with the same  
error when I try to include itkImage to my ObjectiveC++ file.
 From a new Cocoa project, I have add the header paths to the Project  
Setting "Header Search Paths" (with and without using the recursive  
flag) and the libs path to Library Search Paths while adding the  
static libs to the project with Project -> Add to Project...
Do you see anything I might have forgotten? I am running Xcode 3.2.1  
on 10.6.1.

Thanks a lot,

															- Olivier

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