[Insight-users] OnePlusOne Optimizer - results are always 0

itkvtk123 at gmx.net itkvtk123 at gmx.net
Wed Sep 9 09:42:20 EDT 2009

Hi Luis.

Thank you for your prompt answer.
I found out that my scales cause the results of 0.
When I comment the scales part, I get results which are different from 0, but which are terribly wrong.
Epsilon does not seem to have much influence in the results, same with the initial transforms.
(It is almost the same (wrong) result when I initialize the initial transforms to 0 or when I use the Initializer).

In my test case it should detect a X movement of 5, Y movement of 5 and rotation of 5 degrees.
But it actually detects X movement of 10.3, Y movement of -4.4 and rotation of -25.2 degrees.
(By the way X is always wrong in sign regardless which optimizer I use)

Is there a rule of thumb for parameters (Epsilon, scales, ...) for 512x512 px (spacing 1mm) images (same modality) when I expect X and Y movement of +- 100 mm each and rotational movement of +- 5 degrees?

Kind Regards,

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