[Insight-users] AffineTransform not working with a segmented volume(but works with the original volume!)

Juliette Deniau juliette.deniau at yahoo.fr
Mon Sep 14 07:25:13 EDT 2009

Thanks Luis for replying me and sorry to be not precise.
What I mean by not working is: It runs without errors, but the output image is unsatisfactory (wrong result).  What I got as a result is a volume in which the information is only in one slide and this only for the segmented volume. with the original volume the result is fine.
I have uploaded the input volume which is not working and also the volume result I obtain.
Please find attached the code I used to scale the volume (in this code I use 
transform->SetIdentity() for diagnostic purpose). 
Thank you for your time

--- En date de : Dim 13.9.09, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> a écrit :

De: Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
Objet: Re: AffineTransform not working with a segmented volume(but works with the original volume!)
À: "Juliette Deniau" <juliette.deniau at yahoo.fr>
Cc: "insight" <insight-users at itk.org>
Date: Dimanche 13 Septembre 2009, 14h48

Hi Juliette,

Can you please describe what you get when you run this in the
segmented dataset ?

When you say that 

                            "It is not working...."

Do you mean that:

1) It doesn't compile ?
2) It compiles but produces a segmentation fault at run-time ?
3) It generates an exception at run-time ?
4) It runs without errors, but the output image is unsatisfactory ?

Please be more precise on your description of the problem.




On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 5:00 AM, Juliette Deniau <juliette.deniau at yahoo.fr> wrote:

I posted my question few weeks ago but I still have no answer. could you please help me as I'm stuck in this problem and I can't advance.
I would like to scale a volume using itk::AffineTransform. When I use an original volume (such BrainPart1Brain\brainweb1e1a10f20.mha) the code is working fine but when I use a volume which is the result of segmentation of the original volume, the results are not correct. 
Could some one explain me what’s I’m doing wrong? 
I attach the code. 
in this code I use an identity transform for a purpose of diagnostic but still not working with the segmented volume. 
I want to send the volume which is not working but it is voluminous. Could you tell me where I can send it ? 

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