[Insight-users] Get and Set itk Origin

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Tue Sep 15 14:19:48 EDT 2009

On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 17:37 +0000, jef vdmb wrote:
> A non-zero index explicitely needs to be converted to a new origin.  
> So when using the origin (of an image with non-zero index), one should
> also pass the index... this is a bit dangerous no?

I'm not sure what you mean by "pass".

The itkImage contains all of the information needed ( origin, index,
size, spacing, and nowadays direction ) to move from pixel space to
world space, and back so when you "pass" an image everything goes with

If you need to do some manipulation of a region on your own then you do
need to take all of these into account.

The only issue I know about related to the writer recalculating the
origin is that if pieces of an image with large size and small spacing
is broken up into many pieces and written to files, then the pieces may
not line up exactly when reassembled.
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