[Insight-users] Detecting border of a segment

Michael Xanadu xanadu.michael at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 28 06:28:31 EDT 2009

Thanks Kevin, that was the clue. And the solution leds to next problem. :-(
If I create a filter object I get some strange errors, all reference line
106 of itkLabelOverlayImageFilter.h:

error C2825:
must be a class or namespace when followed by '::'
error C2039: 'ValueType' : is not a member of '`global namespace''
error C2146: syntax error : missing ',' before identifier 'ValueType'
error C2065: 'ValueType' : undeclared identifier
error C2027: use of undefined type 'itk::Concept::BracketOperator'

What I did was this:

typedef itk::LabelOverlayImageFilter<ImageType,ImageType,ImageType>
LabelOverlayImageFilterType::Pointer overlayer =

where ImageType is this:

typedef itk::Image< short, 3> ImageType;

2009/9/28 Kevin H. Hobbs <hobbsk at ohiou.edu>

> It looks like this filter is in the review directory.
> $ locate itkLabelOverlayImageFilter.h
> /home/kevin/kitware/Insight/Code/Review/itkLabelOverlayImageFilter.h
> To use it please set the cmake variable ITK_USE_REVIEW to ON when you
> configure ITK. I think it's an advanced variable so you'll have to hit
> 't' to change it in ccmake.
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