[Insight-users] 3d deformable registration

Vincent Magnotta vincent-magnotta at uiowa.edu
Wed Apr 14 20:04:37 EDT 2010


The problem was with your parameter file. The attached file worked for me in


On 4/12/10 12:59 PM, "Stephen Yip" <stephen.fyip1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Luis, 
> Just a quick update. The B-spline 3d registration seemed to work well except
> it shifted the origin of my image. But I am still having the some issues with
> the 3d FEM registration. It doesn't run. I am not sure if it is due to the
> memory or configuration file problem (see below). Thank you very much. Please
> see below for details.
> By the way, I have a 2 gig ram computer and 32 bit window. Is it a problem for
> 3d FEM?
> Below are my configuration file (I made sure the file names existed in the
> directory before running) and the error I got.
> % Parameters for the single- or multi-resolution techniques
> % ---------------------------------------------------------
> 1    % Number of levels in the multi-res pyramid (1 = single-res)
> 1    % Highest level to use in the pyramid
> 1 1 1       % Scaling at lowest level of pyramid
> 3 3 3        % Number of pixels per element
> 1.e4 1.e4 1.e4         % Elasticity (E)
> 1.e5 1.e5 1.e5     % Density x capacity (RhoC)
> 1    % Image energy scaling (gamma) - sets gradient step size  3 3 3    %
> NumberOfIntegrationPoints
> 3    % WidthOfMetricRegion
> 30   % MaximumIterations
> % -------------------------------
> % Parameters for the registration
> % -------------------------------
> 0 0.99  % Similarity metric (0=mean sq, 1 = ncc, 2=pattern int, 3=MI,
> 5=demons)
> 1.0    % Alpha
> 0    % DescentDirection (1 = max, 0 = min)
> 0    % DoLineSearch (0=never, 1=always, 2=if needed)
> 1.e1    % TimeStep
> 0.5     % Landmark variance
> 0       % Employ regridding / enforce diffeomorphism ( >= 1 -> true)
> % ----------------------------------
> % Information about the image inputs
> % ----------------------------------
> 101 % Nx (image x dimension)
> 101    % Ny (image y dimension)
> 30     % Nz (image z dimension - not used if 2D)
> G:\ITK_test\deform11\deform11\Debug\A.hdr  % ReferenceFileName
> G:\ITK_test\deform11\deform11\Debug\B.hdr  % TargetFileName
> % -------------------------------------------------------------------
> % The actions below depend on the values of the flags preceding them.
> % For example, to write out the displacement fields, you have to set
> % the value of WriteDisplacementField to 1.
> % -------------------------------------------------------------------
> 0    % UseLandmarks? - read the file name below if this is true
> -    % LandmarkFileName
> G:\ITK_test\deform11\deform11\Debug\D                      % ResultsFileName
> (prefix only)
> 1       % WriteDisplacementField?
> G:\ITK_test\deform11\deform11\Debug\D                        %
> DisplacementsFileName (prefix only)
> 0       % ReadMeshFile?
> -                                      % MeshFileName
> Error message I got was:
> Reading config file...W.txt
> Example configured. E 0 rho 0
>  reading moving  
>  reading fixed  
> Exception caught during reference file reading 
> itk::ImageFileReaderException (015BF9CC)
> Location: "void __thiscall itk::ImageFileReader<class itk::Image<unsigned
> char,3>,class itk::DefaultConvertPixelTraits<unsigned char>
> >::GenerateOutputInformation(void)" 
> File: c:\itk\src\code\io\itkImageFileReader.txx
> Line: 100 
> Description: FileName must be specified
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Associate Professor
Department of Radiology
0453-D JCP
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
E-mail: vincent-magnotta at uiowa.edu
Phone: 319-356-8255 Fax: 319-353-6275
Website: http://www.radiology.uiowa.edu

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