[Insight-users] Cropping Problem

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat Apr 17 19:12:33 EDT 2010

Hi Yusuf,

You should start by separating the segmentation
problem from the visualization problem.

Please do the following:

0) Just after you call:

   reader->SetFileNames( fileNames );


   reader->GetOutput()->Print( std::cout );


1) Run the ITK segmentation pipeline until you
    get the segmented image, and save it as a
    MetaImage file (with extension .mhd)

2) Post the content of the resulting .mhd file
    back to the list, as well as the print out of
    the statement:

   reader->GetOutput()->Print( std::cout );

3) Use Paraview (www.paraview.org) to load the
    resulting image and extracting an iso-surface.
    Compare that iso-surface with the one that
    you get by directly from the DICOM image.
    (and let us know what you find).

With the information from (2) we should be
able to identify if any geometrical information
is missing from the ITK processing pipeline.



On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 5:54 PM, Yusuf OEZBEK <nasil122002 at yahoo.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anyone help me please? I have a problem with to cut (cropping) a 3D
> object, which I produced by the segmentation-method “watershed and region
> growing”. In the beginning I read the DICOM images with
> itkImageSeriesReader, then I run watershed or region growing algorithm, in
> order to connect itk with vtk and a 3D object produce and for the displaying
> of segmentation, I use vtkContourFilter. After segmentation of cropping the
> images I use vtkBoxClipDataSet, vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter and
> vtkPolyDataMapper, but the result is a black screen.  When I read the
> images with vtkDICOMImageReader and then segmented with volume rendering or
> marching cubes, then it works completely well. The problem arises only for
> watershed and region growing Algorithm. Where is my mistake in the code,
> what am I doing wrong?
> To understand my problem better, please see my screenshots on the following
> link.
> http://www.wopsys.com/bilder/segmentation.html
> Thank you.
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