[Insight-users] Problems with Maurer Distance Transform
Christian Werner
christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de
Sun Apr 25 14:01:43 EDT 2010
Thank you very much. That double datatype turned out to be the reason
for all the trouble I had. Your code works perfectly.
What I am trying now is to replace the Rescaling with a simple
conversion because I need the real distance in pixels, unscaled. I tried
itkCastImage but that yields bad results, maybe because the Maurer
Filter produces negative values...? You already have funny behaviour if
you just replace the Rescaler with a Caster in your code and with my
image. "Funny" but still somehow right. However, if I am doing this on
my volume data, where I actually need it for, it goes completely
useless. (with the rescaling I have good results on my volume, too)
Any idea?
Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> As described in the Insight Journal paper:
> "N-D Linear Time Exact Signed Euclidean Distance Transform"
> Tustison N.J., Siqueira M., Gee J.C.
> University of Pennsylvania
> http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/77
> http://hdl.handle.net/1926/171
> where the ITK implementation of the Maurer filter was
> introduced,
> The Maurer filter computes the exact euclidean distance
> (down to numerical precision), while the Danielsson
> distance filter only approximates the distance up to a
> 1 pixel spacing values.
> It is therefore, not surprising that you find differences
> between the distance values reported by these two
> filters....
> However, the output that you are reporting for the
> Signed Maurer distance really looks plain wrong :-(
> It would seem that you have a problem in the
> instantiation of the filter.
> I just ran the Signed Maurer from a modified version
> of the Test in
> Insight/Testing/Code/BasicFilters
> and using your input image (BTW: Thanks a lot for
> providing the input image and output images, that
> makes things a lot easier) and it works fine for me.
> Please find attached to this email the source
> code that I used, and the output that I get from
> the rescaled distance.
> Note that the distance is produced as an image
> of pixel type double, so the command line that
> I used was:
> MaurerDistance input_image.png distance.mha \
> maurer_output_uchar.png
> The exact distances are stored in the distance.mha
> file ( the MetaImage file format supports pixel type
> "double"), while the .png image holds a rescaled
> version of the distance, that is just intended for
> visualization (that rescaled one is the one attached
> to this email).
> I had to pass the .png file through GIMP in order
> to compress it further as a jpg file, to be able to
> attach it to this email. The mailing list restricts
> email size to 40Kb.
> --
> Please note also the setting of the filter:
> filter->SetSquaredDistance( false );
> filter->SetUseImageSpacing( false );
> filter->SetInsideIsPositive( false );
> Please give it a try at this code and let us know
> if you find any problem.
> Thanks
> Luis
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Christian Werner
> <christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de
> <mailto:christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de>> wrote:
> Hi!
> I need a nice DistanceTransformation function. Danielsson is fine
> but slooooow. Then I tried the SignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter
> which is quite fast. Unfortunately the results are quite
> different. It seems the DanielsonDistanceMapImageFilter yields
> better results. What am I doing wrong?
> I am passing no input parameter to the filters, I just put them in
> the pipeline. Maybe I am missing important parameters? They are
> both used the exactly same way:
> ///// typedef typename itk::DanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter<
> ImageType, ImageType > FilterType;
> typedef typename itk::SignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter<
> ImageType, ImageType > FilterType;
> typename FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
> filter->SetInput( itkImporter->GetOutput() );
> Any idea?
> Best regards,
> Christian
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