[Insight-users] parameter tuning for image registration.

Matt McCormick matt at mmmccormick.com
Sun Apr 25 22:54:30 EDT 2010

Xi Liang <liangxi1986317 at ...> writes:

> Is there any reference that help parameters tuning in image processing? Any 
introduction on how to analyse the result by changing parameters, not only  from 
high level, e.g. improve the metric value. It is more like, if I want to tune 
the parameters in an optimizer, I might want to analyse the gradients, or might 
draw some graph on the step size, or convergence. 

Hi Xi,

I have been trying to address the same lately.  I have found that the Vistrails 
set of software (based on VTK and other tools) works well for this.

Their most lauded feature is the provenance management, but they have a neat 
'Exploration' feature too.  You can vary parameters linearly, or by another 
function, or examine a list of values.  Then the resulting images come out in a 
spreadsheet for comparison.  Alternatively, if you examine a lot of the 
parameter space, the spreadsheet can be animated.

I have started working on ITK extensions here:

There is an example for deformable registration with B-Splines here:


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