[Insight-users] Region growing segmentation with a border?

Sergio Vera sergio.vera at alma3d.com
Tue Aug 3 03:24:56 EDT 2010

At first though maybe you can let the region grow past the plane, and later,
cut the growed region multiplying it with a mask image of the valid area if
you can obtain such a mask easily.


On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 9:21 PM, Chris Turner
<cturnercomplex at googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an image and want to segment it into different parts. Region
> growing should absolutely do the trick. But my only problem is that I
> also have some borders which the algorithm shouldn't cross. The
> Borders are specified as a plane. First I have to convert the plane
> coordinates into image coordinates. Is there an easy way to do so or
> do I have to do it by "hand" (....by myself)
> About the segmentation: My first thoughts are basically write my own
> region growing algorithm and add besides the intensity evaluation (if
> minThreshold<pixel_intensity<maxThreshold) a second evaluation which
> checks if the pixel is in the specific border/region.
> What do you think about this, do you have any better ideas? And also
> where should I start? I thought maybe just use the
> itkConnectedThresholdImageFilter (3.20) and change the iteration loop
> to something like this:
> [begins line 296]:
>    typedef FloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalIterator<OutputImageType,
> FunctionType> IteratorType;
>    IteratorType it ( outputImage, function, m_SeedList );
>    it.GoToBegin();
>    while( !it.IsAtEnd())
>      {
>       if(pixelPosition > border)
>          continue;
>      it.Set(m_ReplaceValue);
>      ++it;
>      progress.CompletedPixel();  // potential exception thrown here
>      }
> But I don't have the pixel position at this point - right?
> So how would an ITK export approach this problem?
> Thanks
> Chris
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Sergio Vera

 Alma IT Systems
 C/ Vilana, 4B, 4º 1ª
 08022 Barcelona
 T. (+34) 932 380 592
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