[Insight-users] MICCAI: Microscopy Image Analysis Tutorial

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed Aug 4 06:19:20 EDT 2010

At MICCAI 2010, you are invited to attend the
tutorial on:

                 Microscopy Image Analysis

                         Sept 24, 2010

An outline of the Tutorial content is available at:

This tutorial will introduce the recent development and techniques of
2D, 3D, 4D, and 5D microscopic image analysis and visualization, with
a central theme of the newly emerging field of bioimage informatics.

We will discuss new and exciting challenges in 2D/3D/4D/5D biological
and microscopic image computing, as well as large-scale (gigabyte-size
image) visualization and interaction, - with a focus on microscopy images
but can be generally useful for other large biomedical images.

We are also going to give a relatively detailed tutorial (and demonstration)

on how to use some of the most advanced & powerful 3D/4D/5D image
visualization assisted tools for quantitative analysis.


* Hanchuan Peng - Janelia HHMI
* Jens Rittscher - GE Research
* Tianming Liu - University of Georgia
* Fuhui Long - Janelia HHMI
* Sean Megason - Harvard Medical School
* Luis Ibanez - Kitware
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