[Insight-users] Iterators: PROBLEM

Daniela Sacchetto danysunflower at hotmail.it
Fri Aug 6 13:05:18 EDT 2010

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to use iterators but I have a "Floating Point Exception" Error.

I modify a little my code to debug it and I discover that the error is in the following lines:


for (DskIt.GoToBegin(), DFltIt.GoToBegin(), DSubIt.GoToBegin();!DFltIt.IsAtEnd(); ++DskIt, ++DFltIt, ++DSubIt)
      if(DFltIt.Get() < DSubIt.Get())        
          std::cerr << " Ok ;-)"<< std::endl;  // DskIt.Set(1);
          std::cerr << "Not ok ;-("<< std::endl;  // DskIt.Set(0);


To debug my code I added the std::cerr(...) lines (my right lines are temporarily commented) and I have this output:

daniela at daniela-laptop:~/Scrivania/Dist/bin$ ./Dist3 IN.dcm OUT.dcm
 Ok ;-)
Floating point exception

It means that the loop runs corretly the first time, but after there is an error. I think that there is something about iterators' use because I'm a starter...

Thanks everyone who'll help me,


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