[Insight-users] Image filtering and feature detection-
Dan Mueller
dan.muel at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 00:22:12 EDT 2010
Hi Ryan,
You might consider using the "white top hat" operation to remove the background:
WhiteTopHat = I - Dilate( Erode(I) )
where I is the image, Erode is morphological erosion, and Dilate is
morphological dilation.
You can find an implementation of this operation in:
Once the background is removed, a simple global intensity threshold
should suffice to segment the spots. The following filters may be
helpful for that task:
Cheers, Dan
On 15 August 2010 23:04, Ryan Smith <ryanleesmith at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi-
> I am attempting to remove the background and detect features in the
> following image:
> http://i.imgur.com/wd3Yt.jpg
> I have a series of images in which the white circular spots travel and the
> white vertical stripes remain stationary. I would like to apply some simple
> background subtraction to remove the white stripes then autodetect the
> intensity maxima associated with the circular features.
> A brief search provided the following results which address similar problems
> using itkConnectedComponentFilter. Is this what I want after my background
> is subtracted? Any example code on how to get the location and sizes of the
> components? Thanks in advance-
> -Ryan
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