[Insight-users] OtsuThreshold equivalent to Multiple Otsu with NumberOfThresholds = 1 equivalent to results of other programs?

Roman Grothausmann roman.grothausmann at helmholtz-berlin.de
Thu Aug 19 08:55:44 EDT 2010

Dear mailing list members,

Is the result of OtsuThresholdImageFilter equivalent to the result of 
OtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter with NumberOfThresholds = 1?

I'm wondering why the ITK OtsuThresholdImageFilter yield different 
Otsu-threshold values than another program called MAVI. The found values 
differ significantly between ITK and MAVI.
Why could that be?
MAVI doesn't bin the histogram, so for 8-bit input I use 256 as 
NumberOfHistogramBins in ITK. Would that be correct?

Any help is very much appreciated

Roman Grothausmann

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH
Bereich Funktionale Materialien
Institut für angewandte Materialforschung
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