[Insight-users] Executable
Josiane NJIWA
njiwa at biomed.ee.ethz.ch
Fri Dec 3 08:18:35 EST 2010
Hi Jean-Pierre
i just built the program and i don't know which type of link has been
made. I also tried to copy all the files that i have in debug in the
other computer but i still cannot execute the program.
I am using the CMake 2.4, ITK 3.8.0 on windows.
Please attached you will find the source code.
So much thanks for your understanding,
On 12/3/2010 2:04 PM, Jean-Pierre Roux wrote:
> Hi Josiane,
> Did you link you application statically, or dynamically?
> May you should put all the ITK dll you need in the directory where the
> executable is.
> (or link the appli statically?)
> Jean-Pierre
> On 12/03/2010 12:44 PM, Dan Mueller wrote:
>> Hi Josiane,
>> I have no other ideas. Maybe someone on the users list can help further.
>> It might be helpful to provide some more details:
>> CMake version
>> ITK version
>> Compiler and version
>> OS (both compiler and target)
>> Exact error message
>> Source code to reproduce
>> Cheers, Dan
>> On 3 December 2010 12:42, Josiane NJIWA<njiwa at biomed.ee.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks a lot for your email. I have installed the Package but i
>>> still have
>>> the same error message: This application has failed to start because
>>> the
>>> application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application
>>> may fix
>>> the problem.
>>> Maybe with the error you would better help me?
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Josiane.
>>> On 12/3/2010 11:56 AM, Dan Mueller wrote:
>>>> Hi Josiane,
>>>> From your email I have assumed you are compiling on a Windows
>>>> machine,
>>>> with Visual Studio 2008.
>>>> If so, any machine you want to run your program requires the Microsoft
>>>> Visual C++ Redistributable Package, eg:
>>>> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9b2da534-3e03-4391-8a4d-074b9f2bc1bf&displaylang=en
>>>> HTH
>>>> Cheers, Dan
>>>> On 3 December 2010 11:30, Josiane NJIWA<njiwa at biomed.ee.ethz.ch>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear users,
>>>>> I have created an .exe file for a registration program and would
>>>>> like to
>>>>> run
>>>>> it on another computer. I tried several times and have an error
>>>>> message
>>>>> that
>>>>> the file cannot be execute. Does someone knows what could be the
>>>>> problem?
>>>>> Is
>>>>> it mandatory to install visual studio first on that computer?
>>>>> Any any suggestion would be very appreciated.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Josiane.
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