[Insight-users] The Insight Journal-New Submission

Insight Journal webmaster at insightsoftwareconsortium.org
Sat Dec 11 09:08:23 EST 2010

A new submission has been added to the Insight Journal.

Title: RGB Image Color Space Transformations
Author(s):Tamburo R.
This paper describes a set of pixel accessors that transform RGB pixel values to a different color space.  Accessors for the HSI, XYZ, Yuv, YUV, HSV, Lab, Luv, HSL, CMY, and CMYK color spaces are provided here. This paper is accompanied with source code for the pixel accessors and test, test images and parameters, and expected output images. 

Download and Review the paper at: http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/780

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