[Insight-users] How to use Point set rgistration

Aya El Gebeely aya.elgebeely at symbyo.com
Tue Feb 16 11:56:00 EST 2010

Hi All,

I have two images with predefined set of points that need to be registered
from the second "moving" image to the first "fixed" image.

I have the PointSetToPointSet registration method, and gave it two .txt
files that contains the points in world coordinates, them I followed the
example included in the ITKSoftwareGuide , so I get the transform parameters
as an output.

I needed to see the output on a registered image.. so I gave the two images
& the transformation parameters to a resampler and then the resampler output
is given to a writer to write the new image file..

I'm facing problem in using the resampler along with the Point set
registration, I need to verify that registration was done correctly.. ?

I'll be grateful to know your suggestions concerning this issue

Thanks in advance

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