[Insight-users] Parallel iteration of 2D/3D image series
matthias.dodt at mdc-berlin.de
Wed Feb 17 11:25:22 EST 2010
Hi Luis!
Yes, i realized that it was getting slow...
I got at first confused with the SliceIterator- thanks, that filter was
exactly what i was looking for! Works now;-)
Luis Ibanez schrieb:
> Hi Matt,
> The filters that must be applied in 2D should be instantiated using
> a 2D image type.
> When you select the slice (frame) that you want to process via one
> of these 2D filter, out of the (3D = 2D+time) volume that you have
> created, you should use the ExtractImageFilter, with the option that
> converts a 1-slice 3D image into a 2D image.
> See the example in:
> Insight/Examples/IO/ImageReadExtractWrite.cxx
> Don't try to trick a 3D filter into behaving like a 2D filter by simply
> manipulating its neighborhood settings. That will lead to terribly
> bad performance.
> Regards,
> Luis
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:12 AM, Mat <matthias.dodt at mdc-berlin.de> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> A simple question due to data processing. I have a basic image-analysis
>> pipeline which i would like to extend to work on a stack of images (video).
>> Some Filters should only be applied in 2D while others require 3D
>> information of the previous frames. I am using the ImageSeriesReader on
>> float , dim=3 images type to read an image stack. Normally i would do this
>> in my own filters by using a NeighborhoodIterator with defined radius.
>> How do i restrict certain filters (for ex.
>> CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter) to work on each slice (in 2D)
>> while others should work in 3D? It doesnt seem to be possible to define a
>> radius or dim to work on for this filter...
>> thanks,
>> mat
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