[Insight-users] Stop flooding pools when "water sheds" would be introduced or use "fill holes" for that

lynx.abraxas at freenet.de lynx.abraxas at freenet.de
Thu Feb 18 02:34:36 EST 2010

On 17/02/10 21:49:09, Kishore Mosaliganti wrote:
> Hi Lynx,
> From your description, I understand that you don't want flat regions
> in the image to be covered by the watershed labels. In other words,
> you want the labels to exactly cover pixels that lead to a mimina. Is
> that right?

Hello Kishore, Richard and Luis,

Yes  that's  pretty  much what I want but with the addition that I only want a
label-mask where every pixel is definitly only leading to one definit minimum.

Here's a simple 1D illustration (for momospaced fonts):

    __ ________  ___
 ..             .333...
   .11.22222222. .3.
    .. .2222...   .

The  dots  plot  graph  represents  the greyvalue in y-direction and the pixel
position in x-direction. The numbers represent the labels and  their  seize  I
neeed.  They  are  like  a  pool filled only up to a local maxima, in 2D those
points would be saddle points but I don't know what they'd be in 3D.

The white interrupted line above is the mask I would need to mask  the  result
from  the  itk morphological watershed to achieve what I want. (I tried to get
this mask from the fill holes filter but something is wrong).

So I'm either looking for a filter (chain) that could create me this mask,
Or if it would be possible to stop the watershed filter from  filling  up  the
basins at the corresponding heights (in 2D a saddle point).

I'll paint a drawing to post as well.

I hope this helps understanding my problem. If not let me know.

Many thanks for looking into this and trying to understand my problem.


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