[Insight-users] Problem with VnlFFTRealToComplexConjugateImageFilter

闻铮 rexwolf at live.cn
Fri Feb 26 02:47:07 EST 2010

itk::ExceptionObject (00ACF814)Location: "void __thiscall itk::VnlFFTRealToComplexConjugateImageFilter<float,2>::GenerateData(void)"File: c:\program files\insighttoolkit-3.16.0\code\algorithms\itkVnlFFTRealToComplexConjugateImageFilter.txxLine: 94Description: Illegal Array DIM for FFT

I use this filter to transform a picture into frequency domain and do modification there. The input file is a jpg file, and the above error happened during execution. 
  for(i = 0; i < num_dims; i++)    {    //#if 0    if( !this->Legaldim(inputSize[i]) )  <----------------------------------------this is where the error happened.      {      ExceptionObject exception(__FILE__, __LINE__);      exception.SetDescription("Illegal Array DIM for FFT");      exception.SetLocation(ITK_LOCATION);      throw exception;      }    //#endif    vec_size *= inputSize[i];    }

this->Legaldim(inputSize[0]) is 0 where inputSize[0] is 290. 
My guess is I cannot simply use a jpg picture as input?  		 	   		  
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