[Insight-users] fast marching behavior

Dan Mueller dan.muel at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 13:54:04 EST 2010

Hi Siqi,

I managed to find some time to take a look at the issue you reported.

I think the following patch will help:

Here is the results I get with the patch applied:

The distance from [50,50] to [49.7,49.8] is: 0.36
The distance from [49,49] to [49.7,49.8] is: 1.06
The distance from [49,50] to [49.7,49.8] is: 0.73
The distance from [50,49] to [49.7,49.8] is: 0.85
The distance from [48,49] to [49.7,49.8] is: 2.06
The distance from [48,50] to [49.7,49.8] is: 1.73
The distance from [49,48] to [49.7,49.8] is: 2.06
The distance from [49,51] to [49.7,49.8] is: 1.73
The distance from [50,48] to [49.7,49.8] is: 1.85
The distance from [50,51] to [49.7,49.8] is: 1.36
The distance from [51,49] to [49.7,49.8] is: 1.85
The distance from [51,50] to [49.7,49.8] is: 1.36

Is that what you expected?

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Dan

2010/1/5 siqi chen <siqichensc at gmail.com>:
> I read a few more papers and  thought about the question number 2 again. I
> think there is misinterpretation on my part. The 4 neighbors of [49.7,49.8]
> along their exact distance value should be set as Alive Points instead of
> Trial Points. Then the neighbors of the 4 neighbors (another layer around
> the 4 neighbors) are set as trial points, their initial tentative values are
> calculated using upwind difference method. When I check the result distance
> map, a few things to notice:
> 1. The distance value of the 4 neighbors of [49.7, 49.8] are correct. This
> is obvious since I set them as Known instead of Trial.
> 2. The distance value of the neighbors of the 4 neighbors (the input trial
> points) still changed. I think this is due to the inherent FMM accuracy and
> update method.
> You can try this with the following code.
> http://www.rpi.edu/~chens/download/main3.cpp
> Thanks
> Siqi
> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 6:03 PM, siqi chen <siqichensc at gmail.com> wrote:
>> To better illustrate my questions regarding fast marching, I put 2 example
>> code in the attachment.
>> In main1.cpp, I simply compute a distance map to point [50,50]. As you can
>> see from the output, the distances from the 4 neighbors of [50,50] to
>> [50,50] are correct, obviously the result is 1. However, the distance from
>> [51,51] to [50,50] is 1.707 instead of 1.414, which is obviously wrong. I
>> think this is due to the fast marching accuracy itself. If we switch to
>> higher order FMM, the result should be improved.
>> In main2.cpp, I perturb the target point a little bit. Instead, I want to
>> compute the distance map to point [49.7,49.8]. From my point of
>> understanding, I need to initialize the 4 neighbors of [49.7, 49.8] and put
>> them into the TrialPoints. As you can see, I compute the exact distance from
>> these 4 neighbors to [49.7,49.8] and put them into TrialPoints. However,
>> when I go back and check the result distance map, some thing is different.
>> The distances from these 4 neighbors to [49.7,49.8] are changed. As you can
>> see, the distance from [50,50] to [49.7,49.8] remains correct. This is
>> because this value is the smallest in the TrialPoints, therefore it is
>> pushed in to the AlivePoints heap first and the value is frozen since then.
>> I think there is something wrong here about whether to update trial points
>> value or not. If this trial point is user specified, then the value should
>> not be updated. I noticed a related discussion a couple of months ago in the
>> mailing list,
>> http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2009-May/030282.html
>> http://www.rpi.edu/~chens/download/main1.cpp
>> http://www.rpi.edu/~chens/download/main2.cpp
>> Any input is appreciated.
>> Siqi
>> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Dan Mueller <dan.muel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Siqi,
>>> Indeed I am familiar with Fast Marching. I saw your question to the
>>> mailing list, but did not respond because I have not experienced what
>>> you describe: when I set the trial point value, that is the value in
>>> the arrival function.
>>> Perhaps you could post to the mailing list a minimal example
>>> (code+cmake+data) demonstrating your issue. That would make it really
>>> easy for me to help you!
>>> Cheers, Dan
>>> 2010/1/4 siqi chen <siqichensc at gmail.com>:
>>> > Hi, Dan,
>>> >
>>> > Sorry to bother you. From the ITK mailing list, I noticed you reported
>>> > a bug
>>> > about FastMarchingImageFilter couple of months ago. So I guess you are
>>> > a
>>> > fast marching expert : )
>>> >
>>> > I am trying to use FastMarchingImageFilter to calculate a distance map
>>> > to a
>>> > set of points which have non-integer coordinates and I want the result
>>> > to be
>>> > as accurate as possible. Here is what I did, but the result is not very
>>> > accurate.
>>> >
>>> > First I find the integer points which are the neighbors of the target
>>> > points
>>> > and set these integer points as trial points. Then I use some
>>> > interpolation
>>> > method to initialize the distance from these trial points to the target
>>> > points, which are assumed to be "exactly correct". The TrialPoints in
>>> > the
>>> > FastMarchingImageFilter is defined as this set of trial points and
>>> > their
>>> > corresponding distances to the target points. The AlivePoints is empty.
>>> > When
>>> > I check the result distance map, I find that the distance value of
>>> > these
>>> > trial points are changed, they are no longer what their initial states
>>> > are.
>>> > Therefore, the iso curve deviate the original input a little bit. I am
>>> > quite
>>> > confusing about this result.
>>> >
>>> > I noticed you mentioned on the mailing list about neighbor update, that
>>> > is
>>> > to distinguish between user-specified trial points and
>>> > algorithm-generated
>>> > trial points.  here is the discussion,
>>> > http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2009-May/030282.html .  I
>>> > wonder
>>> > if you have any suggestions about my problem.
>>> >
>>> > Any input is appreciated.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks
>>> > Siqi Chen
>>> >
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