[Insight-users] Possible misfeature in debian insighttoolkit package

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Jan 7 19:32:23 EST 2010

While debugging a build problem on Gentoo I read through Debian's build
config [1], for reference.  I noticed the following comment there:

+  * Python-Numarray is removed from Debian.
+    - CMakeCache.txt.debian: Remove ITK_USE_PYTHON_NUMARRAY=ON.
+    - rules: Remove PYTHON_NUMARRAY_INCLUDE_DIR from CMakeCache.txt.
+    - control.in: Remove build-depend on python-numarray.

I believe this is a misunderstanding.  I think the ITK_USE_PYTHON_NUMARRAY
flag triggers an autodetection step encoded in


That script clearly attempts to detect Numeric, Numarray, or Numpy, and
will use any of them (according to some order of preference).  In other
words, the ITK_USE_PYTHON_NUMARRAY is now somewhat confusingly named.  My
suspicion is informed by the WrapITK homepage [2], which
specifically lists NumPy as a dependency.

If I am correct, the Debian packages should probably continue to enable
ITK_USE_PYTHON_NUMARRAY, but should depend on numpy.


[2] http://code.google.com/p/wrapitk/

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