[Insight-users] howto reuse pipeline with another image

Maquette maquette at lavabit.com
Sat Jan 9 13:34:21 EST 2010

hi all,

Sorry in advance, that this might be a rather frequent question. But I 
didn't find out much about whether/how an image pipeline can be reused 
after the first Image has been read, and Update() has been called on a 
concluding writer. The purpose is to build an interactive tool, where 
new image Files can be read and processed, and a smaller Region of 
Interest can be selected/changed to have a quick preview written as 
.mha. After a new file has been selected the ROI should default to that 
files whole extend. (

I try to achieve this by a pipeline connected like that:

    itk::ImageFileReader<I>               reader
    itk::RegionOfInterestImageFilter<I,I> roi
    itk::FancyFilter1<I,I>                filter1
    itk::FancyFilterN<I,I>                filterN
    itk::ImageFileWriter<I>               writer0

How can it be reused (let writer0 write out the new result) after one of 
the follwing events:

- The first Image loaded with
  always works fine. The whole pipeline seems to adjust to the extends 
of first.mha One can nicely adjust Filter parameters in an interactive 
program and by one call to writer0->Update() gets the new result.

- What do I have to do after setting reader->SetFileName("second.mha") 
in order to have the pipeline process the new image in its probably new 
extends. writer0->Update() throws some    "requested region out of 
possible region". Of course! but how to tell writer0 what to request next?

- What is to be done to change the region of interest? Would
  be sufficient? Lets say the new ROI is kept within the bounds given by 
reader->GetOutput()->GetLargestPossibleRegion(). Changing roi leads to 
the same exception by writer0->Update(). Perhaps 
RegionOfInterestImageFilter is not even needed, and one has to tell 
writer0 what subregion to request/use. (meaning one has to tell it to 
each leaf in the pipeline jungle)

I hope the issue can be discussed on that rather abstract level. The 
sources have already grown > 1200 LOCs when I tried to make it 
"reloadable" and "ROI selectable".

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