[Insight-users] binary to label image

John Drozd john.drozd at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 10:17:01 EST 2010

Hi David,

Someone once pointed out to me that there is a large package of tools for
manipulating binary and label
images by Gaetan Lehman. Most of it is now in the review part of ITK.



on the insight journal.

In this package you will find described that the most efficient way to
convert a label image or a binary image stored
as an itk::Image to a itk::LabelMap, is by using
itk::BinaryImageToLabelMapFilter or itk::LabelImageToLabelMapFilter.

I hope this helps you.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 8:29 AM, David Pastor <david.pastor at die.upm.es>wrote:

>  Dear all,
> this might be very easy, but I'm not finding a filter to convert a binary
> image to a label image where each connected component is labelled.
> Thanks
> David
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