[Insight-users] Pad image with 0 but keep its type what ever it is

lynx.abraxas at freenet.de lynx.abraxas at freenet.de
Sat Jan 30 05:32:17 EST 2010

On 28/01/10 17:00:57, Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi Lynx,
>          What *exactly*
>          is the problem that you are observing ?

Thanks Luis for Your answer.
My  main  problem  is that I'd like to create a single program to pad an input
image of arbitary InputPixelType with zeros. If I use my code  it  only  works
for unsigned short InputPixelType. Is there a way to make my code work for any
InputPixelType? Or would I have to create many programs  (eg  pad_uc,  pad_us,
pad_float...) where each single one is just for one InputPixelType?
Or  asked  differently:  Is  it possible to code the padding without having to
specify the InputPixelType?

Thanks for any help or hint on this.

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