[Insight-users] mask for FastMarchingImageFilter?

Dan Mueller dan.muel at gmail.com
Tue Jul 6 00:15:02 EDT 2010

Hi Yi,

If you are using Fast Marching with a speed function, you can simply
multiply (itk::MultiplyImageFilter) the speed image by your mask
(assuming the mask is 0 outside and 1 inside).  This will restrict the
expanding front to inside the mask.

If you are using a speed constant, I do not believe it is possible to
use an arbitrary shaped mask...


Cheers, Dan

On 6 July 2010 04:56, Gao, Yi <gaoyi.cn at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> In the FastMarchingImageFilter class, I'm trying to constrain the
> marching in certain region represented by a binary mask image. Could I
> know if there is a convenient way to do that?
> I looked at the FastMarchingImageFilter.h file and its super class but
> didn't find way as easy as: SetMask()
> Sounds that I'm too lazy .... ;-)
> Thank you in advance for any hint!
> Best,
> yi

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